
Monday, December 8, 2014

the elegance that is paris

I never imagined my arrival into the "city of love" to go as it did.  Once we arrived, we walked out of the train station into the dark soaking streets of Paris.  I was immediately thrown into a terrible mood as I knew we'd have about half a mile to conquer before we reached our hotel.  The rain is not something that usually bothers me and I was well prepared with my umbrella in hand.  However, dragging luggage through endless wet streets with soaking drenched feet is another story.  On the other hand, the elegance of Paris is something to be thankful for, considering I was able to numb the terrible mood and soak in the amazing views on my arrival.  I couldn't help but to fall in love as Paris is absolutely breath taking, even on a dark and rainy day. 
 Those city views.
I tried hot wine, and let's just say there is no wine I could ever discriminate.
Never head to Paris without an umbrella, you'll be sorry.
Paris is very accommodating in terms of satisfying hunger, and it is hard not to want to stop at every outdoor patio considering the majority look like this. 
Merry-Go-Rounds are the thing in Europe, as I saw more on my trip than I have in my entire life.
Those Autumn colors.
I was advised to watch the Eiffel Tower light up after my experience of arriving in the city.  It's amazing how the simplicity of a lit up structure can help to alter moods.  The fact that it twinkles every hour may have something to do with it though.

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